Termékek zöldség zöldségek (2859)

Citromfű Biodinamikus - Illóolaj - 5ml

Citromfű Biodinamikus - Illóolaj - 5ml

TONIQUE - CIRCULATOIRE - ENERGISANT Le Lemongrass est le cousin de la citronnelle, originaire des forêts tropicales asiatiques. Référence:P23
VG Hostly P-M C1 Borsóhús Analóg

VG Hostly P-M C1 Borsóhús Analóg

VG Hostly P-M C1 Pea Meat Analog is an innovative plant-based product crafted from premium pea protein, designed to replicate the taste and texture of meat. This deep-frozen product is perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of a plant-based diet without sacrificing the flavors they love. After thawing and thermal processing, it can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of dishes, making it a versatile addition to any culinary repertoire. Whether you're preparing a plant-based kebab or a savory meat loaf, VG Hostly P-M C1 offers a delicious and satisfying alternative. Boasting a protein content of 30g per 100g, VG Hostly P-M C1 Pea Meat Analog is both nutritious and flavorful. Its pulled appearance and chicken aroma make it an attractive option for plant-based enthusiasts. Packaged in a PE bag within a carton box, it is easy to store and handle. Its diverse applications range from plant-based nuggets and chicken to Caesar salads and pates, ensuring that it can enhance a wide array of meals with its rich taste and texture.


The benefits of this oil : The benefits of organic rose oil are numerous, including: skin regenerating : the essential fatty acids of this vegetable oil participate in the reconstruction of cell membranes since they are constituents of membrane phospholipids. This tissue regenerating property indicates it in case of burns and sunburn. This vegetable oil is also effective against certain dermatological problems: acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis. firming : this vegetable oil prevents skin aging, promotes collagen synthesis and restores elasticity to the skin. It is therefore very useful in preventing wrinkles, but also stretch marks and pressure sores. healing : this vegetable oil prevents the growth of the dermis. Indeed, it reduces the relief of hypertrophied or retractile scars, even old ones, homogenizes the color of the scars with that of the skin. It is effective on recent and old scars and reduces age spots. volume:30ml
Fagyasztott bio IQF burgonyák

Fagyasztott bio IQF burgonyák

La Pomme de terre du nom latin Solanum Tberosum est une tubercule comestible appartenant à la famille des Solanacées. Après la récolte, les pommes de terre fraiches sont lavées, pelées, coupées, blanchies, coupées avant d'être surgelées IQF. Pomme de terre issu de l'agriculture biologique:100% Total énergetique:66 Kcal 280 kJ Fibres alimentaires:1,9 g Protéines:1,6 g Sel:Traces
Crown csomagolt hagyma - Márkás táska

Crown csomagolt hagyma - Márkás táska

FlevoTrade envasa las cebollas en diversas bolsas de marca, como la Crown. Si hay suficientes pedidos, ¡también podemos realizarlo para su etiqueta! Póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente para obtener más información. Con años de experiencia en el sector y bonitas colaboraciones a largo plazo con empresas de dentro y fuera del sector, hemos demostrado que las cebollas son, con diferencia, nuestro principal producto. ¡Y estamos orgullosos de ello!
Édes Mandula - Bio Növényi Olaj - 50 ml - Növényi Olajok és Macerátumok

Édes Mandula - Bio Növényi Olaj - 50 ml - Növényi Olajok és Macerátumok

Caractéristiques techniques : Huile végétale 100 % pure et naturelle, vierge, de première pression à froid et certifiée BIO Nom latin : Amygdalus dulcis L. var. dulcis Origine : Italie Partie utilisée : Amande Qualité : Vierge, Première Pression à Froid Culture : Agriculture biologique Couleur : Jaune A conserver à l’abri de la lumière. Produit à usage alimentaire.
Radicchio - Változatos

Radicchio - Változatos

Variegated Radicchio is a yellow-green leafy vegetable, spotted with red in the open head, different from the round and red of Venice. With a bitter and delicate taste, it is eaten exclusively raw with salads. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Póréhagyma 5 cm zölddel - Zöldségek

Póréhagyma 5 cm zölddel - Zöldségek

Cleaned leek with the root removed and 5cm of the green leaf. Content:10 kg. Packaging:EPS-H Source:NL
Rukkola - Baby Levél (vágott leveles zöldségek)

Rukkola - Baby Levél (vágott leveles zöldségek)

La rucola presenta foglie allungate e frastagliate, dal sapore piccante e aroma tipico. Ricca di calcio, ferro e vitamina C. Tra le sue numerose proprietà benefiche: l’azione digestiva, purificante e ricostituente. Varietà baby leaf. Possibilità di utilizzarla per preparazione misticanza. Disponibile in casse nere o polistirolo termosaldato da 500 gr. e 1 Kg.
Pomodoro Piccadilly - Piccadilly

Pomodoro Piccadilly - Piccadilly

La pianta rustica, molto bilanciata è caratterizzata dall’elevata potenzialità produttiva. I grappoli formati da 6-8 frutti hanno il rachide carnoso e sono disposti a spina di pesce. I frutti ovaleggianti, del colore rosso vivo e peso medio tra 35-40 grammi sono diffondono un incantevole gusto di dolcezza e sapidità abbinati ad una eccellente consistenza delle bacche. In più,essi presentano buone proprietà qualitative in termini di grado brix e spessore di polpa; contengono lycopene e antiossidanti naturali. Raccolto a grappolo, il pomodoro piccadilly ha un calibro uniforme e una tenuta post- raccolta soddisfacente con frutti ben aderenti al rachide. Il pomodoro Piccadilly è molto apprezzato in cucina per la sua facilità di preparazione delle salse, essendo ottimo anche in insalata grazie al suo gusto saporito e dolce. Confezionamento: gr 500
IV. kategóriás gyümölcs- és zöldségmosó rendszer

IV. kategóriás gyümölcs- és zöldségmosó rendszer

Il nostro impianto di lavaggio ortofrutta IV gamma è interamente costruito in acciaio inox AISI304. Attraverso un sistema di correnti e getti d'acqua crea all'interno della vasca un moto elicoidale che assicura una permanenza adeguata del prodotto così da garantire una pulizia approfondita. Un tamburo rotante, regolabile sia in velocità che in altezza, permette di estrarre eventuali corpi estranei in sospensione. Il sistema di drenaggio dell’acqua, in base alle esigenze del cliente, può avvenire tramite un vaglio vibrante oppure attraverso un nastro trasportatore forato. L'impianto è dotato inoltre di un filtro rotativo con raschiatore in grado di assicurare una pulizia continua dell'acqua senza dover interrompere il ciclo di lavoro.
Mosógép Granulált Termékekhez LM/P1x

Mosógép Granulált Termékekhez LM/P1x

Lava los productos granulosos no flotantes (guisantes, maíz, judías, alubias, garbanzos) y los separa de los residuos flotantes (pieles, granos estropeados, residuos varios) Capacidad 3 t/h a 20t/h según el modelo y el producto tratado. Máquina que consta principalmente de una cuba de lavado con cuello de cisne, bombas que permiten la creación de flujos turbulentos y un separador vibrante escurridor. Las rejillas superiores del separador vibrante son amovibles y están perforadas en función del producto tratado. Recuperación del agua en una cubeta de decantación bajo el separador y filtración del agua con tambor rotativo de hilos y su rascador para separar los residuos. Circulación de agua en circuito cerrado para un bajo consumo de agua. La alimentación del lavador se realiza mediante una banda despedradora (incluida en el precio del lavador LPx) o un vibrante separador (no incluido en el precio del lavador LMx).
Paradicsomkoncentrátum - Paradicsom

Paradicsomkoncentrátum - Paradicsom

Tomato concentrate, also known as tomato extract, is derived from heated tomato juice, from which a certain amount of water is then subtracted. The amount of water extraction determines three different types of concentrate: single concentrate, double concentrate and triple concentrate. Tomato concentrate has many uses in cooking, especially in long cooking of meat or sauces. The concentrate can be added directly to the preparation during cooking, diluted with water to preference. It can also be used to give more body to a tomato sauce, or as a substitute for similar products like béchamel and ketchup. The concentrate is not harmful to health but, on the contrary, has antioxidant properties due to its high lycopene content. This is a natural substance, one of the carotenoids, and is found in many foods. In fact tomatoes are the largest source of lycopene, and cooking increases its beneficial effects.
Gyümölcs- és Zöldségládák - Összecsukható Gyümölcs- és...

Gyümölcs- és Zöldségládák - Összecsukható Gyümölcs- és...

600x400x230 mm faltbare Obst- und Gemüsekisten Die Steigen und kleinen Boxen passen sich Ihren Arbeits- und Platzverhältnissen an. Vorallem die faltbaren Steigen sparen enorm viel Platz und sind leichtgewichtig und dabei stabil. Die Steigen haben eine Volumenreduzierung von bis zu ca. 84%, das heißt platz- und kostensparend beim Rücktransport und der Lagerung. Außenmaß:600x400x230 mm Farbe:grün Gewicht:1,98 kg Höhe geklappt:36 mm Innenmaß:566x367x217 mm Material:HD-PE Volumen:45 Liter
Papír díszek gyümölcs- és zöldségkereskedelemhez

Papír díszek gyümölcs- és zöldségkereskedelemhez

Gli addobbi cartotecnici per ortofrutta comprendono tutta una serie di articoli in cartoncino teso stampato offset, fustellati e plastificati quindi idonei donare pregio alla vostra merce e idonei ad essere stoccati all'interno delle celle frigo


*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Friss Paradicsom - Friss Paradicsom

Friss Paradicsom - Friss Paradicsom

Green leafy fruit is usually red. In the growing stage, the fruit becomes green in the first place, then yellow and finally red. This fruit is known to have hundreds of species; red, purple, brown, yellow and green. Tomato fruit has an average height of 10-15 cm. Tomato which is a hairy leafy plant gives flowers consisting of 1-2 cm fruits on average. The length of the plant can reach up to 150 centimeters. Tomato fruit is known to be a vitamin store. It is especially rich in vitamin A. It is a substance called lycopene which gives tomato its red color. Lycopene is one of the most effective antioxidants.
Zöldség- és Gyümölcskosarak

Zöldség- és Gyümölcskosarak

Alle Verpackungen sind umweltfreundlich ohne chemische Behandlung aus heimischen Hölzern (Pappel, Buche) hergestellt. EWS 180D Apfelsteige mit Deckleiste 2-lattig Artikelnummer: AG1001 Modell: AG1001 Ecksteher Höhe: 18 cm Maße: 40x60 cm
Hagymák - Biológiai és fagyasztott zöldségek

Hagymák - Biológiai és fagyasztott zöldségek

Oignons émincés et surgelés, conditionnés en sachet. Poids:450gr
Zöldség- és gyümölcscsipszek nagykereskedelmi (különböző) - 3 kg-os zsákok

Zöldség- és gyümölcscsipszek nagykereskedelmi (különböző) - 3 kg-os zsákok

- Sin Gluten, Sin grasas trans, Sin vegetales transgénicos, Sin colorantes ni conservantes, Bajo en sal y sin azúcar añadido - Kosher | V-Label (vegano) | Gluten Free (sin gluten) | NON GMO (sin transgénicos) Además todos los productos Kitu están libres de los 14 alérgenos alimentarios.
Répa - Répa narancs export

Répa - Répa narancs export

Havuç ihracatı kalite carrot
Zöldséges láda OZN fogantyúlyukakkal - Zöldséges ládák

Zöldséges láda OZN fogantyúlyukakkal - Zöldséges ládák

Vegetable crate OZN with handle holes - Vegetable crates Code:41061 Název:Přepravka zelenina OZN s prostupem v rukojeti External dimensions (mm):600 x 400 x 116 Weight (kg):1,20 Max. height of the bottle (mm) (mm):10,00 Bottle diameter (mm):320,00 Number of pieces on a pallet:80
Lencse Chips - Zöldséges Lencse Chips

Lencse Chips - Zöldséges Lencse Chips

Vegan sağşıklı mercimek bazlı cips lezzetli sağlıklı
Zöldségek hússal - Készételek különböző hús- és zöldségtípusokkal

Zöldségek hússal - Készételek különböző hús- és zöldségtípusokkal

Ready Meals with various type of meat and vegetables. Chickpeas, whitebean, kidneybean.


Διαλεχτά λαχανικά σε συνδυασμό με την δίκη μας γλυκόξινη σάλτσα και το χειροποίητο φύλλο μας δημιουργούν τα δικά μας μοναδικά και ακαταμάχητα spring rolls.
Vegyes savanyúság

Vegyes savanyúság

Our Packages; Glass Jar: 720cc Pet : 1500cc - 3000cc - 4000cc - 5000cc Tin : 19Kg Plastic Bucket : 18Kg
Paradicsom - Mediterrán Piros Paradicsom

Paradicsom - Mediterrán Piros Paradicsom

Fresh Tomatoes 2019 Harvest, Sweet Mediterranean Tomatoes Tomato is considered both, a fruit and a vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to the health, along with improving the flavor of food. The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, raw or cooked, in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks. Nutritional values of Tomatoes per 100 gr: Calories 18 kcal Water 95 % Protein 0.9 g Carbs 3.9 g Sugar 2.6 g Fiber 1.2 g Fat 0.2 g Lycopene 2573 µg Vitamin K 7.9 μg Vitamin C 14 mg Magnesium 11 mg Potassium 247 mg Product Name:Tomatoes Variety:Roma Tomatoes Cultivation Type:Common Shape:Round Color:Red Brand:MEDILIFE Place of origin:Tunisia